This morning the backrest were still nice in place š , I then turned my attenion to the genaker pole and puled the peel ply away. With a bit sanding it looked very good, now I have to buy some carbon sleeve to pule over the end. Then I changed the light plug for my trailer for a modern one so I don't need an adapter any more. In the afternoon we painted the deck for the second time and the cabin floor for the first time. We also did some touche up on the back were the swim ladder mounts were placed.
Hello, Curious about the shapes on the bow pole. Are those to contain lashings? What did you use to create the rings? Is it tubing under the carbon bumps?
Hi Jak, the rings around the bowpole are for lashings. I cut them out of scrap foam panels so there was already carbon on both sides and with a router I rounded the outer edges. I early posts you can see them without the carbon over them and glued with putty. This setup does not weak the pole but makes it stronger