Sunday, March 15, 2015

demolding the toilet bowl mold

I started today with demolding the toilet bowl mold, this was no easy job and for the rim I cut that so I could loose this one. On the normal way I could not get it loose. For the bowl mold I did try it but with the experience off the rim I gave up quick and decided to demolish bowl to get the mold out.
The result was very nice, I will alter some details so the rim can fit the bowl. This is a job for later and now the bowl off Thrill Seeker can be placed back.
After lunch I started to make a mockup for the cockpit bunks and comings, I am satisfied with result and Fetske to.



  1. I do not understand how to place back a demolished bowl? Any way I mailed a lot of questions to the f31thrillseeker account. Please could you take some time to answer? Thanks

  2. I have no mail from you in my f31thrillseeker account so far I know. The demolished bowl was porcelijn one and has no edge as with the normal Lavac. So I made father mold of it so if I laminated over that mold I get a smooth inside finish. I hope you understand what the idea is. The mold is only 600 gram and is already rock solid.

  3. I realise that you refer to the bowl what I am going to replace to Thrill Seeker. From that one I only made a mold for the rim and is still in on piece and is shining as new. I can not see who you are so if you can mail me.sent it to the f31thrillseeker account
